Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 1
Studio: Red Squirrel Publishing
The first consumer advocacy book on Viatical Settlements, the new industry that buys the death benefits of life insurance from people who are terminally ill. The book includes a discussion of Accelerated Death Benefits, which are paid by insurers and pay almost dollar-for-dollar and much faster than Viatical Settlements. Other sources of cash are included - reverse mortgages are one example - each with arrows that point to areas you should be wary of. The book is intended for professional advisors as well as family and loved ones, since few professionals know enough to give sound advice. If Viatical Settlements are the right choice, step-by-step guides will help you find a trustworthy buyer, help you get the most money, show you how to reduce risk and how to reduce the tax bite. The Appendix is packed with sample application forms which you may copy, and a Viatical Providers Grid, to help you choose those companies most willing to work with your diagnosis and your type of insurance.
Brand: Warner Brothers
Manufacturer: Red Squirrel Publishing
Price: $19.38 USD
Life Settlement Broker Can Make your Old Age More Contented
and type of policy. If you are worried that how will you perform such a lengthy calculation then relaxed, as a life settlement broker will evaluate every aspect of your policy without pestering you for anything. If in any case you
Cash for the Final Days A Financial Guide for the Terminally Ill and Their Advisors
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 1
Studio: Bialkin Books
The first consumer advocacy book on Viatical Settlements, the new industry that buys the death benefits of life insurance from people who are terminally ill. The book includes a discussion of Accelerated Death Benefits, which are paid by insurers and pay almost dollar-for-dollar and much faster than Viatical Settlements. Other sources of cash are included - reverse mortgages are one example - each with arrows that point to areas you should be wary of. The book is intended for professional advisors as well as family and loved ones, since few professionals know enough to give sound advice. If Viatical Settlements are the right choice, step-by-step guides will help you find a trustworthy buyer, help you get the most money, show you how to reduce risk and how to reduce the tax bite. The Appendix is packed with sample application forms which you may copy, and a Viatical Providers Grid, to help you choose those companies most willing to work with your diagnosis and your type of insurance.
Brand: Warner Brothers
Manufacturer: Bialkin Books
Price: $17.95 USD
Seniors Life Settlement Policy
settlement policy can be made effective with the help of the policy brokers who are involved in the market. The policy holder of the life settlement policy should compile with the terms and condition of the policy issued in the state.
Viatical Settlement Vs. Life Insurance Settlement
The viatical settlement, senior settlement, and life settlement all provide the same service to the insured individual. Both life and viatical settlements are considered same. They have very little difference. Both the settlements have a
More Than Houses
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 4
Studio: Thomas Nelson
In these pages you will find inspiring, true stories of people who didn't have hopeuntil they had a home. Stories of children who gained identity and confidence for their future. Of families made stronger and healthier and prison inmates who are now giving back to their communities. Of entire comminutes bonding together around an ethic of hard work and mutual respect. Of denominational, political, and racial barriers falling with every swing of the hammer. Of a growing host of young people engaged in the quest to end poverty housing. And even some wonderful love stories.
Brand: Warner Brothers
Manufacturer: Thomas Nelson
Price: $19.98 USD
Viatical Life Settlement is a Smart Finance Option for Many
life settlement is also a financial scheme, but this is slightly different from the normal life settlement schemes. Viatical life settlement is life settlement schemes for those people, who due to medical reason, are not expected to
Life Settlement Broker is a Safe Bet to be Relied Upon
some crunches in life but wise people always tread through troubled waters easily with the help of life settlement. Hence, life settlement broker is one person that makes life easy by offering life settlement plans to you.It will be