on with a personal injury lawsuit or turning your attention to negotiations for a personal injury settlement. It is times such as these that your auto accident lawyer truly earns his keep. Listen to his or her counsel. He or she will not
Insurance Settlement Secrets Step by Step Guide to Get Thousands of Dollars More for Your Auto Accident Injury Without a Lawyer
Binding: Paperback
Studio: Netserf Media & Communications
This book provides a behind-the-scenes look at how insurance companies process automobile accident injury claims. Knowing how insurance companies process these claims can make the difference of receiving thousands of dollars more for your Insurance settlement! Written in plain English, the book gives readers all the tips they need to ensure they receive the settlement they deserve. Written by an insurance company insider who has worked in the industry for years and negotiated hundreds of injury settlements. Readers will learn: Steps to take if they are injured in a motor vehicle accident. How to deal with insurance companies when they call. How to take the advantage against the insurance company. What medical information is crucial to your claim. How to push the same buttons an experienced lawyer would push. When and how to negotiate for a fair settlement. "Insurance Settlement Secrets" shows readers how they can do all of this themselves without hiring an expensive lawyer.
Manufacturer: Netserf Media & Communications
Price: $29.95 USD
How not to Screw Up an Auto Accident Settlement
having to file a suit against the at-fault driver, then you still have time to learn: Dont screw up your auto accident settlement. That may seem harsh, but sometimes you can innocently mess up your chances of receiving what you should in
Negotiation and settlement of auto accident cases
Binding: Unknown Binding
Studio: Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section
This book provides a behind-the-scenes look at how insurance companies process automobile accident injury claims. Knowing how insurance companies process these claims can make the difference of receiving thousands of dollars more for your Insurance settlement! Written in plain English, the book gives readers all the tips they need to ensure they receive the settlement they deserve. Written by an insurance company insider who has worked in the industry for years and negotiated hundreds of injury settlements. Readers will learn: Steps to take if they are injured in a motor vehicle accident. How to deal with insurance companies when they call. How to take the advantage against the insurance company. What medical information is crucial to your claim. How to push the same buttons an experienced lawyer would push. When and how to negotiate for a fair settlement. "Insurance Settlement Secrets" shows readers how they can do all of this themselves without hiring an expensive lawyer.
Manufacturer: Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section
Price: $29.95 USD
Philadelphia Auto Accident Lawyer Shows the Realties of Auto Injuries
with major injuries, contact a Philadelphia auto accident lawyer as soon as possible. They will be able to assess your situation with great care and determine how to go about recovering a settlement to cover medical expenses, loss of wages
Auto Accidents Caused by Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
a representative such as an immediate family member there to discuss the possibility of filing an auto accident lawsuit, the likelihood of receiving a personal injury settlement that will afford for the medical bills and lost wages, and of
How to Find the Best Auto Accident Attorney?
upfront fees, their compensation would be a percentage of your settlement) or on an hourly basis? Finally, you should only trust and believe in your instincts to hire the best auto accident attorney despite the above mentioned points