Product Description
A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current andhistorical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US governmentinvolvement. Occupation 101 presents a comprehensive analysis of thefacts and hidden truths surrounding the never-ending controversy and dispelsmany of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions. The film also detailslife under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in theconflict, and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting andviable peace.Unlike any other film produced on the conflict, Occupation 101 explainsthe complicated reality with precision storytelling through a series ofhighly stylized visual edits, and gives audiences a complete context withwhich to better understand the Israeli-Palestinian debate. The roots of theconflict are explained with thought-provoking commentaries from leadingMiddle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders andhumanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in Americanmedia outlets.2007 International Beverly Hills Film FestivalWinner of the Golden Palm Award (given to the best film in all categories).Winner of the Best Editing Award2007 New Orleans International Human Rights Film FestivalBest Documentary Special Recognition2006 Artivist Film Festival, Hollywood, CAWinner of the Best Feature Film Award2006 Rivers Edge Film Festival, Paducah, KYWinner of the Best Feature Film Award2006 DeadCenter Film Festival, Oklahoma City, OKWinner of the Best Documentary Award2006 East Lansing Film Festival, East Lansing, MIWinner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary2006 Big Muddy Film Festival, IllinoisWinner of the John Michaels Memorial Award (for social justice and humanrights)
Rate Points :3.5
Binding :DVD
ProductGroup :DVD
UPC :898681001153
EAN :0898681001153
Lowest Price :$19.90USD
Customer ReviewsWake up America!
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :6
This film is long overdue and should be a mandatory item in schools. It dispels the propaganda campaign that the pro-Israeli lobby has been so successful in creating since its military conquering of Palestine in 1947-1948. There is a great myth about how Palestine was an empty land before the recent flood of Jewish immigrants flocked to its shores. So how does one explain the 750,000 Palestinians forced to flee for their lives when the Jewish militias started destroying Palestinian villages?
Let the world hear the truth for once without all the filters of the Jewish-Israeli Lobby, then judge for them selves as to the who the real war criminals are. Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela have themselves said the Palestinians face a situation far worse than the black South Africans did under the racist white Apartheid system. Also, read Israeli historian, Illan Pappes account in his latest book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" if you wish to know the facts of the creation of Israel and the simultaneous destruction of Palestine. Please see this film and read Illan Pappe book...
A biased, one sided, abusive, obscene, staged one sided travesty of a film...shame
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :5
This blanket excusal of violence introduces Occupation 101, a film designed to evoke sympathy for Palestinians and contempt for Israel, which is currently being promoted to schools, churches and activist groups. What follows is ninety minutes of indoctrination. Scenes of squalid refugee camps, Israeli soldiers confronting protesters, despairing Palestinian mothers and teary-eyed children serve as a backdrop to well-rehearsed indictments of the Jewish state by a whos who of anti-Israel activists. Narrator Alison Weir and the producer/director team of Sufyan and Abdallah Omeish present a litany of anti-Zionist canards. The message throughout is that Palestinians are blameless victims while Israelis are entirely responsible for Palestinian violence.
For those of you who respect true civil rights movements, and want to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King should watch this documentary with a very critical eye. It is offensive that these people equate the American civil rights movement and the effort to ban South African apartheid to this conflict, it is obscene. Occupation 101s worst offense is its twisting of the history and facts of the conflict in order to equate the Palestinian cause with celebrated civil rights struggles around the world. Viewers are led to see the situation of the Palestinians as parallel to black South Africans under apartheid or southern blacks during the civil rights era. To pull this off, a decade of unprecedented terrorism directed at Israelis in their homes, cafes, vehicles and religious festivals is made nearly invisible, severing the connection between Israeli measures -- like house demolitions and sweeps through Palestinian villages -- and the Palestinian attacks that precipitated them. This is essential to the films portrayal of Israeli actions as colonialist aggression rather than as a response to terrorism. The hate indoctrination that permeates Arab society and produces cadres of young Palestinian suicide bombers groomed in hatred, intolerance and rejection of peaceful coexistence is swept under the carpet.
Powerful, challenges the conventional portrayal of this conflict
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :21
The interviews and testimonials were compelling, and more importantly, balanced. This DVD does not bias towards one side over the other. This is an extremely emotional topic for many people, and the filmmakers and producers did a tremendous job to be objective. The list of interviewees is impressive, as are their credentials. You can see why this film took over five years to complete. After watching the DVD, it will give you a better perspective on how this conflict is portrayed in the US media versus what is actually happening on the ground in the Palestinian territories. There are heart-wrenching scenes about the human tragedy unfolding to everyday people. The editing is superb and the 1 1/2 hours went by quickly. Anyone who regards themselves as fair-minded should watch this DVD.
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