Product Description
This book is a chapter-by-chapter analysis and documentation of the power of Israel via the Israeli, Jewish or Pro-Zionist Lobby on US Middle East policy. It raises serious questions as to the primary beneficiary of US policy, and its destructive results for the United States. The extraordinary extent of US political, economic, military and diplomatic support for the state of Israel is explored, along with the means whereby such support is generated and consolidated. Contending that Zionist power in America ensured unconditional US backing for Israeli colonization of Palestine and its massive uprooting of Palestinians, it views the interests of Israel rather than those of Big Oil as the primary cause of the disastrous US wars against Iraq and threats of war against Iran and Syria. It demonstrates and condemns US imitation of Israeli practice as it relates to conduct of the war on terrorism and torture. It sheds light on the AIPAC spying scandal and other Israeli espionage against America the fraudulent and complicit role of Americas academic "terrorist experts" in furthering criminal government policies, and the orchestration of the Danish cartoons to foment antipathy between Muslims and the West. It questions the inability in America to sustain or even formulate a discourse related to the subject of Israeli influence on the United States. It calls for a review of American Mideast policy with a view to reclaiming US independence of action based upon enlightened self-interest and progressive principles.
Rate Points :3.5
Binding :Paperback
Label :Clarity Press, Inc.
Manufacturer :Clarity Press, Inc.
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Clarity Press, Inc.
Publisher :Clarity Press, Inc.
EAN :9780932863515
Price :$16.95USD
Lowest Price :$8.95USD
Customer ReviewsGreat book
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :7
Petras insight into the "jewish" lobby is both insightful and compelling. Aside from sharing the more well known revelations of Israels duplicity in the reasons for the US going into war with Iraq, it also points out the insider dealings of the Israel friendly elite who also happen to be running the worlds richest State, the USA.
Gladly not a scathing attack on the Jewish faith, nor a tome for anti-semitics - this book is a reminder that all is not well in Middle Eastern politics, particularly with the behind the scenes machinations between Israel and its greatest benefactor, America.
An excellent synopsis of Israeli influence over the US Federal Government IF you account for the writers leftist views
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :6
1) Overview: Making the Case for Reducing Israeli and Jewish Power in the US Government
Petras does an excellent step by step job of documenting just how the Neocons in the Pentagon took the United States to war in Iraq. He lays out the strategy and highlights the influence of Jewish Zionists, Mossad agents, and Christian sympathisers in the US government and in Israel and how they work together to move our government in ways that benefit Israel, but- at least in the Iraq invasion- most likely are undertaken at direct cost to Americans lives and wellbeing. He backs up his points with facts that have yet to be countered by other political science researchers. For example Petras states that 35% of Republican and 60% of Democrat campaign donations come from American Zionists! He links US Government payments to Israel as a primary source of this funding. The work appears to be properly researched to US academic standards and is a moderately easy, if distressing, read.
2) Criticism: The Facts Add Up, But the Writing Method is Somewhat Manipulative
Petras lays out the facts and then slowly but surely introduces naming conventions and other writing techniques demonstrative of agitation propaganda we became familiar with in the Cold War from Soviet media. Being an old Cold Warrior myself I have a zero tolerance policy for this type of manipulation. Further Petras commentary on Reagan and the Contras/ Central American issues demonstrate a leftist writer with an axe to grind. Still his points on Israel, the Neocons, and the Iraqi invasion are fact based from what I can assess, ergo they must be taken seriously. Effectively, if Dr. Petras had left out the leftist influence in his writing, the work would be a winner no holds barred. As it is it still must be taken seriously by every foreign policy analyst that reads it. Especially pertinent is the apparent move towards converting the American Republic into an empire- which, Petras observes, may be the Knessets plan to expand its power by using controlled US power as a surrogate for Israeli influence globally.
3) Observations: What we really need is a plan to get the American Government back to being free from foreign influence
If George Washington had two great warnings in his Farewell Address they were:
1) Beware of foreign entanglements
2) Honesty is the Best Policy
We really need to get a bigger picture idea of the influence of Jewish culture and its Neocon/Zionist execution and impact on America and her citizens. The book is limited in scope to the Iraqi invasion, AIPAC/Mossad spying in the US Government, the impact of torture on Americas image globally, and the clear massive and intentional over representation of Zionist goals within Americas government. The book does not address other issues that may be related to Zionist influences in the US. For example, how will the US Government handle comming conflicts between Zionists and Islamist inside the continental US? Are Israelis responsible for our elected representatives decision to not protect our borders from illegal aliens? (In this case, what else could explain the Bush Administrations decision to not enforce immigration law with 90% of Americans demanding it?)
Conclusion: This is an important work and a must read for Americans who want their nation to regain its independance and to maintain their role as its owners.
Brilliant study of the Israel lobby in the USA
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :6
James Petras, Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, has written a fine study of the pro-Israel lobby in the USA, joining John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walts excellent book, The Israel lobby and U.S. foreign policy. The tide is turning on this matter: 59% of Europeans think that Israel is the biggest threat to Middle East, and world, peace.
Part 1 looks at the power of the pro-Israel lobby, and how it promoted the war against Iraq. Petras notes that the US-British policy of breaking Iraq into statelets follows the British precedent in setting up the Gulf States at the end of the 19th century and the EU-US scheme of destroying Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century.
Part 2 looks at the Israeli record of torture and assassination against the Palestinians, the invasions of Gaza and Lebanon, the threat to Iran, and Israels efforts to polarise Christians against Muslims.
Part 3 examines the role of so-called terror experts like Harvards Professor Jessica Stern, who claims to explain how violent Islamic nihilism continues to spread. Part 4 shows the importance of the lobby, rather then Big Oil or finance capital, in shaping the USAs imperial policy. The US undercuts the interests of the oil companies, which want peace so that they can maximise their profits, in favour of Israels interests, which wants war to increase its power in the Middle East. Petras also shows how Noam Chomsky underplays the lobbys role.
Petras concludes, "One will hear from Zionists the relativist argument: Israels crimes are no worse than many countries in the world. However, few countries (except the US) are engaged in colonizing a neighbor, bombing adversaries with impunity (and killing massive numbers of innocent bystanders), storing nuclear warheads with an offensive doctrine, securing the largest proportion of US foreign aid including its most advanced technology, controlling US congressional voting on Mideast issues, shaping the Mideast political agenda for both Presidential candidates, routinely torturing thousands of political prisoners (and sending advisers throughout the world to teach how to do likewise), and practising the totalitarian law of collective punishment for popular resistance."
We could do with a similar study of the pro-Israel lobby in Britain, of Blair and Browns fanatical Zionism, and of the lobbys fascistic attacks on the University and College Union in Britain.
The Power of Israel over the United States
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :10
I find it absolutely scary how a little "country" has so much control over our congress and our people here in the U.S.A.Unless we the people wake up and revolt against this foreign powers control here , we as a nation are doomed to follow in the same path of the Roman Empires demise.
The Truth
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :2
Petras is a courageous writer who analyzes the Israeli control and Zionist control over our country with honesty and precision. The book will offend some people who do not know that the body of this country has an illness which must be corrected or cured before we can hope to honestly adhere to the Constitutional principles we brag about so vehemently as being the principles of the credo we ostensibly live by. If we accept Petras criticism of ourselves we have a good road map to follow in seeking the cure of our own problems. One will understand clearly the problems and the road map when one reads Petras book. This is not an anti semitic book. If it were I would be anti Italian for despising Mussolini for what he did to Italy.
Ralph Alfieri
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