วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Hand Book On Survey, Settlements And Land Records In Andhra Pradesh: For The Use Of Field Level Workers, Supervisory Personnel And Revenue Officers
Binding :Unknown Binding
Label :P. Kasturi Reddy, P.V. Murthy
Manufacturer :P. Kasturi Reddy, P.V. Murthy
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :P. Kasturi Reddy, P.V. Murthy
Publisher :P. Kasturi Reddy, P.V. Murthy
วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
Amazon.com Review
The crowning achievement of Jimmy Carters presidency was the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, and he has continued his public and private diplomacy ever since, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his decades of work for peace, human rights, and international development. He has been a tireless author since then as well, writing bestselling books on his childhood, his faith, and American history and politics, but in Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, he has returned to the Middle East and to the question of Israels peace with its neighbors--in particular, how Israeli sovereignty and security can coexist permanently and peacefully with Palestinian nationhood.
Its a rare honor to ask questions of a former president, and we are grateful that President Carter was able to take the time in between his work with his wife, Rosalynn, for the Carter Center and Habitat for Humanity and his many writing projects to speak with us about his hopes for the region and his thoughts on the book.
A big thank you to President Carter for granting our request for an interview.
An Interview with President Jimmy Carter
A: As a Christian, I worship the Prince of Peace. One of my preeminent commitments has been to bring peace to the people who live in the Holy Land. I made my best efforts as president and still have this as a high priority.
Q: A common theme in your years of Middle East diplomacy has been that leaders on both sides have often been more open to discussion and change in private than in public. Do you think thats still the case?
A: Yes. This is why private and intense negotiations can be successful. More accurately, however, my premise has been that the general public (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim) are more eager for peace than their political leaders. For instance, a recent poll done by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed that 58% of Israelis and 81% of the Palestinians favor a comprehensive settlement similar to the Roadmap for Peace or the Saudi proposal adopted by all 23 Arab nations and recently promoted by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Tragically, there have been no substantive peace talks during the past six years.
Q: How have the war in Iraq and the increased strength of Iran (and the declarations of their leaders against Israel) changed the conditions of the Israel-Palestine question?
A: Other existing or threatened conflicts in the region greatly increase the importance of Israels having peace agreements with its neighbors, to minimize overall Arab animosity toward both Israel and the United States and reduce the threat of a broader conflict.
Q: Your use of the term "apartheid" has been a lightning rod in the response to your book. Could you explain your choice? Were you surprised by the reaction?
A: The book is about Palestine, the occupied territories, and not about Israel. Forced segregation in the West Bank and terrible oppression of the Palestinians create a situation accurately described by the word. I made it plain in the text that this abuse is not based on racism, but on the desire of a minority of Israelis to confiscate and colonize Palestinian land. This violates the basic humanitarian premises on which the nation of Israel was founded. My surprise is that most critics of the book have ignored the facts about Palestinian persecution and its proposals for future peace and resorted to personal attacks on the author. No one could visit the occupied territories and deny that the book is accurate.
Q: You write in the book that "the peace process does not have a life of its own it is not self-sustaining." What would you recommend that the next American president do to revive it?
A: I would not want to wait two more years. It is encouraging that President George W. Bush has announced that peace in the Holy Land will be a high priority for his administration during the next two years. On her January trip to the region, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has called for early U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. She has recommended the 2002 offer of the Arab nations as a foundation for peace: full recognition of Israel based on a return to its internationally recognized borders. This offer is compatible with official U.S. Government policy, previous agreements approved by Israeli governments in 1978 and 1993, and with the International Quartets "roadmap for peace." My book proposes that, through negotiated land swaps, this "green line" border be modified to permit a substantial number of Israelis settlers to remain in Palestine. With strong U.S. pressure, backed by the U.N., Russia, and the European Community, Israelis and Palestinians would have to come to the negotiating table.
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From Publishers Weekly
The term "good-faith" is almost inappropriate when applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a bloody struggle interrupted every so often by negotiations that turn out to be anything but honest. Nonetheless, thirty years after his first trip to the Mideast, former President Jimmy Carter still has hope for a peaceful, comprehensive solution to the regions troubles, delivering this informed and readable chronicle as an offering to the cause. An engineer of the 1978 Camp David Accords and 2002 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter would seem to be a perfect emissary in the Middle East, an impartial and uniting diplomatic force in a fractured land. Not entirely so. Throughout his work, Carter assigns ultimate blame to Israel, arguing that the countrys leadership has routinely undermined the peace process through its obstinate, aggressive and illegal occupation of territories seized in 1967. Hes decidedly less critical of Arab leaders, accepting their concern for the Palestinian cause at face value, and including their anti-Israel rhetoric as a matter of course, without much in the way of counter-argument. Carters book provides a fine overview for those unfamiliar with the history of the conflict and lays out an internationally accepted blueprint for peace.
Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Description
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :Simon & Schuster
Manufacturer :Simon & Schuster
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Simon & Schuster
Publisher :Simon & Schuster
EAN :9780743285032
Price :$15.00USD
Lowest Price :$3.93USD
Customer ReviewsLopsided struggle in the worlds anger cauldron
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
Tireless peacemaker Jimmy Carter promised while running for president before 1976 to work for peace in the Middle East, and long after his presidency ended he has been consistently keeping his promise. By reaching out, by meeting with top leaders and players to this recurring Middle Eastern drama, by speaking with common people including Palestinians, by his steadfast and unwavering diplomatic efforts, and by writing this tough, fair, open-minded and heart wrenching book, he has demonstrated repeatedly his commitment to peace. He is a peacemaker extraordinaire.
That three continents join in a dangerous intersection practically guarantees conflict. Palestine is caught between two cradles of civilization -- the Nile and the Tigris/Euphrates regions -- has seen plenty of bloodshed throughout history, and will probably continue to do so as long as mankind roams the planet. Various groups have fought over this land since time immemorial. And today it is still a war cauldron, an "incubator of terrorism" as the former president writes, in which Israelis hunger for Arab land, and Palestinians hate Israelis. There are no easy solutions. Nevertheless, Jimmy Carter believes large swaths of both peoples hunger for peace, and he advocates a blueprint: (1) Israels right to exist must be acknowledged within recognized borders (he prefers the 1949-1967 border lines) (2) stop killing of noncombatants (3) Palestinians must live in peace and dignity in their own land. Jimmy Carter wants peace through international law, free speech, self-determination, equal treatment, freedom from military domination.
Jimmy Carter outlines the history of the conflict, even back to biblical times, but focuses on the last half century. He recounts meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials, as well as with important players throughout the region.
His account is a strong indictment of US foreign policy which has been inconsistent, sometimes hypocritical, ineffective, and has aroused strong anger throughout the Arab region while achieving little benefit. He criticizes "...Washingtons strange policy that dialog on controversial issues is a privilege to be extended only as a reward for subservient behavior and withheld from those who reject US demands". The Bush II administration practically abandoned a peace effort which Jimmy Carter clearly views as a mistake. He outlines the dispute in terms of numbers, major agreements, setbacks, and important events. Israel has two main factions -- a hardline, militant, expansionist group (Likud party), and a peace-loving, treaty-abiding, more affluent group (Labor party).
But the undeniable picture that emerges is a pattern of consistent bullying by Israelis. Its a lopsided struggle. Palestinians have few rights, are denied permits to travel and work, are treated collectively as terrorists, have scant access to Israeli lawyers or courts. Their homes are bulldozed, confiscated. Their fruit trucks are blocked at entry points for days until the cargo perishes. Their olive trees are cut down in droves, their water diverted, their schools & universities closed, their grounds covered in untreated sewage, their library books are censored. And the pattern is increased expansion of Israeli settlements and a consistent policy of harassment of Palestinians who are treated as foreigners in their own land.
A case could be made that Gaza, a small strip of Palestinian land on the Mediterranean, is the worlds largest prison, as reporter Bob Simon said recently. Per capita income in Gaza has declined 40% during the past three years 70% live in poverty workers are prevented from going to outside jobs police and teachers are deprived of salaries. Gaza is extremely crowded with over 3,700 people per square kilometer. The most recent Israeli hostility has been to build a huge, meandering wall in the West Bank which cuts off many Palestinians from each other the Palestinian town of Bethlehem is practically encircled. A UN court in July 2004 determined the wall was "illegal" but it is still being built under the pretext of keeping out suicide bombers. What will happen? "It is obvious that the Palestinians will be left with no territory to establish a viable state, but completely enclosed within the barrier and the occupied Jordan valley", he writes. It also cuts off 200,000 Palestinians in Jerusalem from their relatives. His word is apt: apartheid.
Coverage in US media tends to be highly skewed in favor of Israel. Most of the Israeli abuse goes under the radar, while the occasional Arab suicide bomber makes headlines. For example, in July 2006, Hamas militants captured an Israeli soldier, and the massive bombardment and re-invasion by Israels military was a lopsided response to this aggression. So most Americans who arent paying attention may easily conclude that the fighting in the Middle East is balanced, shrug their shoulders, and return to a state of cluelessness. He writes "...most American citizens are unaware of circumstances in the occupied territories". And America, indirectly, supports much of this atrocity by siding with Israel in international bodies such as the United Nations as well as providing aid.
As an American, I see Jimmy Carters book as confirmation that American democracy is broken, dysfunctional, distorted. That American foreign policy has been so unthinking over such a long time suggests that the flaw isnt with one or two errant administrations, but that the foreign policy architecture itself is flawed. I think the flaws are deep, systemic, structural. Americans are not really citizens anymore clearly, in this instance, Americans are not paying attention. The only political participation is voting for president (see Dana D. Nelsons excellent "Bad for Democracy"). Congress is corrupt over 90% of incumbents win re-election. And the federal system has broken down, since Washington has usurped the power of individual state governments to regulate their respective economies. The only solution, in my view, is to craft an alternative Constitution. So I have summoned over 100 of Americas brightest and most knowledgeable thinkers as well as persons with the power, celebrity, and media savvy to cause change, to Independence Hall in Philadelphia beginning July 4, 2009, to craft an alternative Constitution, based on the current one, to fix flaws including the foreign policy function, and for this document to be voted on by the public at a later date.
Jimmy Carter has shown time and again that he is one of the most enlightened, caring, and intelligent Americans, and I am inviting him to be a delegate to this Convention, and I hope he decides to attend. Last, I offer a solution to the problem of terrorism in my book (below) and challenge every thinker to debate the merits of my proposed, non-partisan strategy.
Thomas W. Sulcer
author of "Common Sense II: How to Prevent the Three Types of Terrorism" (Amazon)
the real thing
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
its just to tell you the real thing about how hard to have peace when the Israeli act this way
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :0
Heres a classical example of how pure antisemitic views turn to history rewriting. Pure anti Israeli and anti Jewish propaganda. Too bad people believe these lies (if they really want to). Carter does not justifies his claims, nor does he give a realistic perspective of the Palestinian problem. Read Mike Evans, Joan Peters for a historical approach to the problem.
A brilliant mind offers a solution
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
What an incredible man. His vision needs to be looked at with great circumspection. He isnt prejudiced against any country. He offers
a solution,with compassion and heart,but also with practicality.
Excellent book.
Rating Point :2 Helpful Point :0
I have no particular opinion on the situation in the Middle East. I read this book several times. It is highly disturbing to me: Not because of any favoritism toward any group in the region, but because he states and evidently believes whole-heartedly that human actions can impact natural law.
The notion that any action of any sort by any president can be based at all on the notion that the economy of the universe is going to be altered is frightening. Having Alexander I Czar of Russia with all sorts of mystical notions does not endanger the survival of mankind. Having a president of the US with such a notion and the control of the H-Bomb does.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Beyond Chutzpah: On The Misuse Of Anti-Semitism And The Abuse Of History
Product Description
Meticulously researched and tightly argued, Beyond Chutzpah points to a consensus among historians and human rights organizations on the factual record of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Norman G. Finkelstein exposes the corruption of scholarship and the contrivance of controversy shrouding human rights abuses, and interrogates the new anti-Semitism. This paperback edition adds a preface analyzing recent developments in the conflict, and a new afterword on Israels construction of a wall in the West Bank.
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :University of California Press
Manufacturer :University of California Press
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :University of California Press
Publisher :University of California Press
EAN :9780520249899
Price :$15.95USD
Lowest Price :$10.31USD
Customer ReviewsAint that the truth?
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :9
People are finally realizing that weve been psychologically blackmailed, for many years, by the likes of Dershowitz, against making any critical statements against Israel for the fear of being labeled Anti-Semitic. This book explains the process of how this came about. So much so that Dershowitz himself pushed for this book to be banned! Harvard University should kick this clown out of their faculty. Does anyone doubt where his allegiance really is? The backlash against Israel in the US has begun.
An essay about the truth
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :19
The book is a classic and I will not discuss it further. I will add that Finkelstein is a martyr for the truth. His courageous exposure of Zionist and Israeli attempts to manipulate the truth and deny it has cost him dear. He got fired from his academic position courtesy of pressure on his univeristy by the Zionist Lobby and was recently disinvited to appear before the Oxford Union again due to pressure from the Zionist Lobby that fears a truth-teller like Finkelstein and wants to silence him.
Pure propaganda
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :0
Another Jewish American tries to catch our attention by making a scandal. I thought puberty ends at the age of 17-18. It is also worth noticing that it is beyond chutzpah that we dont find the authors name if there is no addition - the son/child of the Holocaust survivor. SO, who makes industry of it after all?
meticulously documented
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :13
Norman Finkelstein can be accussed of many things: being a pedant, using strident sarcasm in his writing, having a large ego. One thing, however, that no serious scholar would accuse him of is sloppy scholarship. Finkelstein does not go half way he goes all the way. The products of his obsessive, "forensic" scholarhsip are highly informative, moarlistic, hard to read books.
Beyond Chutzpah is more of the same. The only difference in this book is that the reader can feel more Chomsky in the acrid, dry humour of Finkelstein. At least the guy is blunt and pulls no punches. The book focuses on two things: part 1 debunks the idea that their is a new antisemitism in the air. According to Finkelstein, this idea serves as a distracting technique to keep serious citizens from questioning Israeli policy. On this score, he is right on. Their is no doubt that this is the case. Part 2 uses the meretricious book, The Case For Israel, by Alan D. as a prop to set straight Israels human rights record. Along the way Dershowitz is ground into the dust like grain under a milstone. More importantly, after reading this section the reader will hardly be able to believe that Israels human rights record should serve as a beacon to other nations. If anything, it is a blight on the massive page of the follies, crimes, and misfortunes of mankind.
Beyond Chutzpah ends with technical appendices challenging the veracity of Dershowitzs scholarship. I wont get into this here (see my review of The Case For Israel if you are interested) since it would spoil the most entertaining chapters of Finkelsteins book.
Overall, this book is a meticulously documented, scrupulously honest account of Israels record and the cynical nature of Israels "friends." As a reader deeply involved in the issue of Israel/Palestine, I deeply respect the scholarhsip of Finkelstein. Yes, one can regret his pugilistic tone, but, more important than such quirks are his virtues. After this book, you will never take anything Alan Dershowitz says seriously, and this is a good thing.
Finkelstein did it again
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
Very readable. Ironically, this is the book that got him fired. But that does not take away from his thesis. If anything, it reinforces it. Scary.
วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
The Iron Cage: The Story Of The Palestinian Struggle For Statehood
Product Description
In Resurrecting Empire, Rashid Khalidi dissected the failures of colonial policy over the entire span of the modern history of the Middle East, predicted the meltdown in Iraq that we are now witnessing with increasing horror, and offered viable alternatives for achieving peace in the region. His newest book, The Iron Cage, hones in on Palestinian politics and history. Once again Khalidi draws on a wealth of experience and scholarship to elucidate the current conflict, using history to provide a clear-eyed view of the situation today.
The story of the Palestinian search to establish a state begins in the era of British control over Palestine and stretches between the two world wars, when colonial control of the region became increasingly unpopular and power began to shift toward the United States. In this crucial period, and in the years immediately following World War II, Palestinian leaders were unable to achieve the long-cherished goal of establishing an independent statea critical failure that throws a bright light on the efforts of the Palestinians to create a state in the many decades since 1948. By frankly discussing the reasons behind this failure, Khalidi offers a much-needed perspective for anyone concerned about peace in the Middle East.
Rashid Khalidi is a historians historian. The Iron Cage is his most accomplished effort to date . . . Magisterial in scope, meticulous in its attention to detail, and decidedly dispassionate in its analysis, The Iron Cage is destined to be a benchmark of its genre. Joel Schalit, Tikkun
At heart a historical essay, an effort to decide why the Palestinians . . . have failed to achieve an independent state. Steven Erlanger, New York Times
Khalidi, tackling historical amnesia, brilliantly analyses the structural handicap which hobbled the Palestinians throughout 30 years of British rule . . . Khalidi restores the Palestinians to something more than victims, acknowledging that for all their disadvantages, they have played their role and can (and must) still do so to determine their own fate. Ian Black, Guardian
Khalidi uses history to provide a clear-eyed view of the region and assess the prospects for peace. He strives successfully for even-handedness. Anthony Lewis, author of Gideons Trumpet and Make No Law
. . . we have to open a dialogue with Hamasnot to embrace it, but to lay out a gradual pathway that will bring it into relations with Israel. As Rashid Khalidi, Columbia Universitys Palestinian expert and author of The Iron Cage points out: If we let the Palestinian Authority be destroyed, and then we keep Hamas isolatedeven though it won a democratic election that we sponsoredwe will end up with the hard boys, the gangs you see today on the streets of Gaza, who respond to no authority at all. New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :Beacon Press
Manufacturer :Beacon Press
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Beacon Press
Publisher :Beacon Press
EAN :9780807003091
Price :$15.00USD
Lowest Price :$7.99USD
Customer ReviewsNot a unique predicament
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :1
Most analysis of the Palestinian failure to achieve nationhood suggests that this is a unique predicament, and looks at flaws within the Palestinian leadership, the Palestinian organizing, the Palestinian strategies used, etc, to explain this "failure," and often to to justify the Israeli atrocities--as if a weakness of the part of the victim ever justified abuse.
Even one of the reviews posted here states that, with the exception of Palestine, "most countries have achieved national independence." Such analysis fails to take into consideration that there are entire continents, namely the Americas, from Canada to Argentina, as well as Australia, along with New Zealand, and various colonized islands around the globe, where the indigenous peoples have NOT achieved national independence.
As such, the plight of the Palestinians is not a unique predicament, it is one manifestation among many that historical and scholarly academic discourses can be so distorted and short-sighted as to blind themselves to half the world.
Possibly the main difference between Palestinians and Indigenous peoples of other countries, and even entire continents, is that the Palestinians have achieved an international recognition of the validity of their struggle for, and right to, nationhood. This is indeed a great accomplishment, considering the immense international pressure to invalidate that claim--beginning with the denial that the Palestinians actually exist as a people, let alone need to have a nation.
The Origins of Apartheid in Israel and Palestine
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :6
In the 1980s, Israels "new historians" challenged a Zionist narrative that had been publicly unquestioned in Israel and the United States. Among these historians and those of us who have followed their work, Israel could never again be viewed as an underdog David challenged by an Arab Goliath. Since then, much of the debate among those who are increasingly critical of Israels actions has instead addressed the problem of whether this biblical metaphor should in fact be turned on its head. Although there has for decades been much evidence to support this argument, three recent, well-researched books have made it virtually uncontroversial to assert that the post-World War I Zionist movement, sponsored by superpowers Britain and the U.S. (and indeed by the Soviet Union immediately after World War II), should no more be seen as the underdog than we now see British or Spanish colonialists in relation to Native Americans. In turn, Palestinians can no more be sensibly called anti-Semitic than indigenous Americans can be called "anti-European."
These three books evoke the essence of the Zionist-Palestinian conflict with metaphors of confinement, separation, and exclusion: the "iron cage," the "iron wall," and the "glass wall." In The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood, Palestinian-American Professor Rashid Khalidi documents British support for a Jewish national movement in Palestine since World War I, and opposition to a Palestinian national movement, most violently during the revolt of 1936-39. The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, by which the British ruled from 1923-1948, endorsed a "national home" for the Jewish people while never citing the Palestinians by name. Thus, "the (90%) Arab majority was effectively ignored as a national and political entity."
This favoritism was reflected in the brutal suppression of the Palestinian revolt, which effectively decimated Palestinian leadership and resistance thereafter. It was also reflected in the passivity with which Britain responded after World War II both to Zionist terrorism against the British administration, and to the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians which began well before the end of the mandate in May 1948. It has long been conventional Israeli wisdom that the Zionist movement had to confront both a British Goliath and an Arab Goliath, all in the wake of the Holocaust. It is clear that the Zionist David allied itself with the British Goliath, not only overwhelming a Palestinian national movement with profound internal problems, but violently "transferring" over 700,000 Palestinians with relatively little resistance.
In The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Israeli historian Ilan Papp has documented the violent expulsion of the Palestinians from the end of 1947 into 1949. It has long been established that the Palestinians fled not in response to "Arab broadcasts," but to violent intimidation by Jewish forces, including unprovoked massacres. Based on Papps meticulous research, it is now clear that this ethnic cleansing was premeditated, not retaliatory, and half completed before the feeble intervention of Arab armies in May of 1948. "Official Israeli historiography describes April 1948 as a turning point. . . . If there was a turning point in April, it was the shift from sporadic attacks and counter-attacks on the Palestinian civilian population toward the systematic mega-operation of ethnic cleansing that now followed." This ethnic cleansing was based on a belief among Israeli leaders that an "iron wall" would be required to separate a Jews from Palestinians, who were understood then as now to pose not a military but demographic threat to a Jewish state.
This demographic threat is addressed by Jonathan Cook, a British journalist based in the Arab Israeli city of Nazareth, in Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State. The 150,000 Palestinians who remained in Israel after 1948 are now over 1 million, over 20% of the population, a percentage that increases due to their high birthrate. This presents a problem for a Jewish state that has used a harshly and "legal" discriminatory "glass wall" between its Arab and Jewish citizens that is "needed to cloak the contradictions inherent in the concept of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state." These contradictions have been exposed recently by Israeli attacks on unarmed Palestinian civilians during the outbreak of the intifada in 2000, by increasing and unwarranted suspicion of the loyalty of historically quiescent Arab Israelis who demand social equality, and by increasing calls for expulsion by popular right-wing politicians. All of this has resulted in plans to re-draw borders in order to transfer as many as a quarter of Israels Palestinian citizens to a future Palestinian state, an outcome in no way supported by those effected.
Metaphors of separation, confinement, and exclusion are made literally concrete by the separation wall that has been built inside the occupied West Bank. While largely invisible to Israelis, in areas where visible to Israelis it has been, according to Cook, "painted with murals on the Israeli side, reimagining the view that was now missing while making sure that it was empty of the Palestinian villages that could be seen before its construction." Papp adds that also eliminated are "the people who live in them."
Tell It To the Smear Artists
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :8
The McCain campaign has basically tried to ruin this mans life in order to pick up a few votes in Florida. And they did so by systematically lying about his work, not to mention his affiliations. This kind of McCarthyism has no place in America. Im buying Rashid Khalidis book as a way of pushing back, and letting the smear merchants know that their bile will not work this time.
Bile approved by John McCain.
Great research, shocking editing
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :4
I really enjoyed this account of Palestinian history, but it was a struggle to overcome the first two chapters of poor editing (though otherwise well researched). The book provided me with a greater understanding of the Palestinian struggle, its failures, the contributions -both external (Zionism, European and US collaboration)- & internal (a lack of experience in state-running and the resulting chaos & infighting). I had read Fisk and Pappes accounts of the Oslo accords and their stranglehold on the Palestinian way of life, but Khalidi provided even further insider knowledge into how everyday life has been controlled and restricted with breathtaking similarities to apartheid. The cynical nature of pre-talk agreements between Israel and the US prior to coming to the tables with whatever Palestinian delegation was sent (usually the wrong one) ensured that Israel was starting the debate on a far superior footing to an already muted Palestinian delegation. "Iron Cage" does do justice to the manner in which Palestinians now live, to Europe, Zionists (not world Jewry as is constantly falsely claimed), and the USs eternal shame.
A Corrective Lense
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :8
It is no secret that American media--controlled by corporate interests throughout the world--is highly selective and biased in its reportage of international issues that impact us every day. The Iron Cage, along with The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, New and Revised Edition, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, and others, provide a carefully documented and refreshing perspective on the current core issue of the Middle-East. They are a sorely needed corrective lense for the media distortions called "news".
The Israel Lobby And U.S. Foreign Policy
Product Description
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Manufacturer :Farrar, Straus and Giroux
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Publisher :Farrar, Straus and Giroux
EAN :9780374531508
Price :$15.00USD
Lowest Price :$8.54USD
Customer ReviewsAre the Authors Anti-Semites? Maybe Not. But Anti-Semites LOVE this book.
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :2
I just saw a video of Walt. In the course of 30:40 he denied that he was an anti-Semite so many times, I lost count. And perhaps he isnt an anti-Semite, but he is certainly defensive about it.
Maybe he isnt an anti-Semite. But anti-Semites LOVE this book.
Many, many reviewers comment that this book is shoddy scholarship. "Shoddy" is not a word generally associated with the Ivy League. But if the aim was to produce something very quickly, so as to be able to market it and attract invitations from the speakers circuit, then the book did its job well. He will be speaking mostly to "activists," who really dont want "scholarship," but rather need to have their own prejudices confirmed and articulated in pithy slogans. This book will serve well those who, in spite of their affiliation with universities, like to highly reduce complex situations into "good" and "evil." It will certainly please those who usually presume that anything Western is bad and that anything Third World is good. It will be adored by those who define Israel as "right wing," racist" "apartheid" "militaristic" and "right wing," but forgive any Arab infraction as "left wing," no matter how authoritarian, misogynist racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic. "Political correctness" stops at our shores.
Ill tell you one thing: he cant pronounce a Hebrew word correctly.
Of course when he spoke to CAIR, I understand that he used the terms "Jewish lobby" more freely. I suppose he thought there were no Jews there or that it wasnt being recorded.
After he penned his initial essay in London, he lamented that he couldnt ever publish this in the USA. There would be too much fallout form "the lobby." Of course that was before he signed his lucrative book contract. Now he (nicely) supplements his professors salary spreading his "warnings" on college campuses from coast to coast.
But since he is "very scholarly" and "very fair" and since we are supposed to believe that he doesnt have an agenda, why doesnt he also write a book called "The Oil Lobby"? Then he can neurotically deny to everybody that he is not anti-Muslim, too.
everything as promised
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :2
great book. quite thorough and informative and based on factual information in contrast to most nonsense nowadays in the age of cable talking heads and their useless opinions. highly recommend it to anyone interested in the subject along with jimmy carters palestine peace not appartheid.
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
Great book on the functioning and effectiveness of the Isrel loby and its dramatic effect on the US foreign policy. I could not find any "anti-semitist" statement in the book. Yet, the accusations to the authors after their article show how untolerating and silencing the loby is. The US public needs to be a lot more aware on the issues discussed in the book and this is a perfect book to get a good idea. To my opinion, improved public awareness is pretty much the only way to bring the power of loby to proportion.
I salute these courageous writers for their courage and their outstanding scholarship.
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :3
A book long overdue, "The Israeli Lobby" exposes how pro-Israel Americans work to influence US politics towards policies and decisions that favor Israel at the expense of the United States.
I could go on in detail about how this book is a veritable jewel that exposes the pro-Israel lobbyists in our country - but I dont want to spoil anything for anybody. Guaranteed to anger, shock, and bewilder you.
Read it with an open mind - this work may be one of the most important books about US politics and US foreign relations written in many years.
A Hard Truth
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
Anyone who is not biased will find this book hard to negate. If one uses their common sense and has questioned why they do not understand US foreign policy, they will finally understand.
For decades Middle East policy has been shaped by The Israel Lobby(s). I do not find this hard to believe- I have watched an AIPAC conference on CNN. Our senators and Congressmen look like babies beggin for candy.
Mearsheimer and Walt are successful in proving that Israel is no longer a strategic asset to the United States but rather a strategic liability as they are a country who does not follow international law. Isreal has a nuclear weapons program for which they have not sigened The Non-Proliferation Treaty, have occupied the Palestine for more thatn forty years and continue to deny the palestinians basic human rights and political representation and then cry when Hamas sends rockets into their country. Despite these actions we still give them unconditional aid of 3 Billion dollars a year along with military and other aid that amounts to hundreds of millions more. Not to mention we have to pay all their neighbors billion to be friendly with them !
Now onto the real problem, lobiies like AIPAC WINEP have an extrememly organized public relations funtion in the US that halts the truth about Israels behavior and censors any dissent against Israeli/lobby actions.Officials cannot get elected if they do not pledge their allegiance to Israel. The lobby presents American and Israeli issues to be one in the same.M and W clearly explain how ludicrous this is, no two countries ever have the same issues. The lobby also uses the media to show that AMerica and Israel have "the same values". M and W also prove this is not true, Israel does not come close to Americas values- they are still a racist country !
Israel essentially wants the backing of US military and gov.to aid in wars in the Middle East and refuse to negotiate with any country in the Midle East, their only option is war.Consequently, it is our troops that will suffer going to war, not Israeli troops.
If you think your congressman or Senator is aginst this, wrong. If they do not vote in favor of Israeli legislation, the lobby will fund their opponents come election tim eto see to it to smear their image and have them voted out of office.
This is a great book that has finally started the debate on the role of the lobby on US foreign policy and how it is damaging security and global standing for Americans.
It would seem that our only alternative to the lobby is to start getting Americans involved in the political process as the lobby itself has boasted that "it has no opponents" and our elected officials have stated that if the AMerican people would voice their concerns (which they do not)then they would have a reason to vote aginst pro-Israel legislation.
วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
The Power Of Israel In The United States
Product Description
This book is a chapter-by-chapter analysis and documentation of the power of Israel via the Israeli, Jewish or Pro-Zionist Lobby on US Middle East policy. It raises serious questions as to the primary beneficiary of US policy, and its destructive results for the United States. The extraordinary extent of US political, economic, military and diplomatic support for the state of Israel is explored, along with the means whereby such support is generated and consolidated. Contending that Zionist power in America ensured unconditional US backing for Israeli colonization of Palestine and its massive uprooting of Palestinians, it views the interests of Israel rather than those of Big Oil as the primary cause of the disastrous US wars against Iraq and threats of war against Iran and Syria. It demonstrates and condemns US imitation of Israeli practice as it relates to conduct of the war on terrorism and torture. It sheds light on the AIPAC spying scandal and other Israeli espionage against America the fraudulent and complicit role of Americas academic "terrorist experts" in furthering criminal government policies, and the orchestration of the Danish cartoons to foment antipathy between Muslims and the West. It questions the inability in America to sustain or even formulate a discourse related to the subject of Israeli influence on the United States. It calls for a review of American Mideast policy with a view to reclaiming US independence of action based upon enlightened self-interest and progressive principles.
Rate Points :3.5
Binding :Paperback
Label :Clarity Press, Inc.
Manufacturer :Clarity Press, Inc.
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Clarity Press, Inc.
Publisher :Clarity Press, Inc.
EAN :9780932863515
Price :$16.95USD
Lowest Price :$8.95USD
Customer ReviewsGreat book
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :7
Petras insight into the "jewish" lobby is both insightful and compelling. Aside from sharing the more well known revelations of Israels duplicity in the reasons for the US going into war with Iraq, it also points out the insider dealings of the Israel friendly elite who also happen to be running the worlds richest State, the USA.
Gladly not a scathing attack on the Jewish faith, nor a tome for anti-semitics - this book is a reminder that all is not well in Middle Eastern politics, particularly with the behind the scenes machinations between Israel and its greatest benefactor, America.
An excellent synopsis of Israeli influence over the US Federal Government IF you account for the writers leftist views
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :6
1) Overview: Making the Case for Reducing Israeli and Jewish Power in the US Government
Petras does an excellent step by step job of documenting just how the Neocons in the Pentagon took the United States to war in Iraq. He lays out the strategy and highlights the influence of Jewish Zionists, Mossad agents, and Christian sympathisers in the US government and in Israel and how they work together to move our government in ways that benefit Israel, but- at least in the Iraq invasion- most likely are undertaken at direct cost to Americans lives and wellbeing. He backs up his points with facts that have yet to be countered by other political science researchers. For example Petras states that 35% of Republican and 60% of Democrat campaign donations come from American Zionists! He links US Government payments to Israel as a primary source of this funding. The work appears to be properly researched to US academic standards and is a moderately easy, if distressing, read.
2) Criticism: The Facts Add Up, But the Writing Method is Somewhat Manipulative
Petras lays out the facts and then slowly but surely introduces naming conventions and other writing techniques demonstrative of agitation propaganda we became familiar with in the Cold War from Soviet media. Being an old Cold Warrior myself I have a zero tolerance policy for this type of manipulation. Further Petras commentary on Reagan and the Contras/ Central American issues demonstrate a leftist writer with an axe to grind. Still his points on Israel, the Neocons, and the Iraqi invasion are fact based from what I can assess, ergo they must be taken seriously. Effectively, if Dr. Petras had left out the leftist influence in his writing, the work would be a winner no holds barred. As it is it still must be taken seriously by every foreign policy analyst that reads it. Especially pertinent is the apparent move towards converting the American Republic into an empire- which, Petras observes, may be the Knessets plan to expand its power by using controlled US power as a surrogate for Israeli influence globally.
3) Observations: What we really need is a plan to get the American Government back to being free from foreign influence
If George Washington had two great warnings in his Farewell Address they were:
1) Beware of foreign entanglements
2) Honesty is the Best Policy
We really need to get a bigger picture idea of the influence of Jewish culture and its Neocon/Zionist execution and impact on America and her citizens. The book is limited in scope to the Iraqi invasion, AIPAC/Mossad spying in the US Government, the impact of torture on Americas image globally, and the clear massive and intentional over representation of Zionist goals within Americas government. The book does not address other issues that may be related to Zionist influences in the US. For example, how will the US Government handle comming conflicts between Zionists and Islamist inside the continental US? Are Israelis responsible for our elected representatives decision to not protect our borders from illegal aliens? (In this case, what else could explain the Bush Administrations decision to not enforce immigration law with 90% of Americans demanding it?)
Conclusion: This is an important work and a must read for Americans who want their nation to regain its independance and to maintain their role as its owners.
Brilliant study of the Israel lobby in the USA
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :6
James Petras, Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, has written a fine study of the pro-Israel lobby in the USA, joining John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walts excellent book, The Israel lobby and U.S. foreign policy. The tide is turning on this matter: 59% of Europeans think that Israel is the biggest threat to Middle East, and world, peace.
Part 1 looks at the power of the pro-Israel lobby, and how it promoted the war against Iraq. Petras notes that the US-British policy of breaking Iraq into statelets follows the British precedent in setting up the Gulf States at the end of the 19th century and the EU-US scheme of destroying Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century.
Part 2 looks at the Israeli record of torture and assassination against the Palestinians, the invasions of Gaza and Lebanon, the threat to Iran, and Israels efforts to polarise Christians against Muslims.
Part 3 examines the role of so-called terror experts like Harvards Professor Jessica Stern, who claims to explain how violent Islamic nihilism continues to spread. Part 4 shows the importance of the lobby, rather then Big Oil or finance capital, in shaping the USAs imperial policy. The US undercuts the interests of the oil companies, which want peace so that they can maximise their profits, in favour of Israels interests, which wants war to increase its power in the Middle East. Petras also shows how Noam Chomsky underplays the lobbys role.
Petras concludes, "One will hear from Zionists the relativist argument: Israels crimes are no worse than many countries in the world. However, few countries (except the US) are engaged in colonizing a neighbor, bombing adversaries with impunity (and killing massive numbers of innocent bystanders), storing nuclear warheads with an offensive doctrine, securing the largest proportion of US foreign aid including its most advanced technology, controlling US congressional voting on Mideast issues, shaping the Mideast political agenda for both Presidential candidates, routinely torturing thousands of political prisoners (and sending advisers throughout the world to teach how to do likewise), and practising the totalitarian law of collective punishment for popular resistance."
We could do with a similar study of the pro-Israel lobby in Britain, of Blair and Browns fanatical Zionism, and of the lobbys fascistic attacks on the University and College Union in Britain.
The Power of Israel over the United States
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :10
I find it absolutely scary how a little "country" has so much control over our congress and our people here in the U.S.A.Unless we the people wake up and revolt against this foreign powers control here , we as a nation are doomed to follow in the same path of the Roman Empires demise.
The Truth
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :2
Petras is a courageous writer who analyzes the Israeli control and Zionist control over our country with honesty and precision. The book will offend some people who do not know that the body of this country has an illness which must be corrected or cured before we can hope to honestly adhere to the Constitutional principles we brag about so vehemently as being the principles of the credo we ostensibly live by. If we accept Petras criticism of ourselves we have a good road map to follow in seeking the cure of our own problems. One will understand clearly the problems and the road map when one reads Petras book. This is not an anti semitic book. If it were I would be anti Italian for despising Mussolini for what he did to Italy.
Ralph Alfieri
วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Lords Of The Land: The War For Israel's Settlements In The Occupied Territories, 1967-2007
Product Description
Rate Points :3.5
Binding :Hardcover
Label :Nation Books
Manufacturer :Nation Books
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Nation Books
Publisher :Nation Books
EAN :9781568583709
Price :$29.95USD
Lowest Price :$16.95USD
Customer Reviewspropaganda
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :6
Propaganda masquerading as scholarship, the authors "facts" are not verified and tendentious. This book has no pretense of objectivity. Trash!
Lords of the Lie
Rating Point :2 Helpful Point :7
It does not take the reader too long to understand where the writers of this book are coming from, and what their general approach is. One only has to read the introduction and one understands that the whole project is informed by a basic bias and distortion. The authors seem to feel that the history of the Arab- Israeli conflict began in 1967. They give the impression that before this the Arabs accepted the presence of a Jewish state in the Middle East. They also give the impression that in 1967 the West Bank and Gaza had clear international status and sovereignty. This is not the case at all. For there was no Palestinian Arab sovereignty then and the Jordans had de facto control of the West Bank ( Judea and Samaria) and the Egyptians had control of Gaza. When the the Jordanians attacked Israel in 1967 this was from territories which were in no way part of any Palestinian Arab state or sovereignty.
The authors write as if Israel came and occupied a clearly Palestinian instead of a disputed territory. This sparsely populated territory before being handed to the Arabs in 1917 was part of of the British Mandate. It is in fact the heartland of Biblical Israel. And the whole Israel settlement enterprise can only be understood in terms of the overall general project of returning the Jewish people to their homeland and restoring their place there. If one does not believe in the legitimacy of this project then one should also not believe in Israel in its 1947-8 borders not only in Israel in the 1967 borders.
What irritated me in this book however most of all was the clearly imbalanced and unfair presentation of the violence which has taken place in and from these territories in the past forty years. The authors do their best to minimize the leading role Palestinian terror played in forcing Israel to take defensive measures against it. All their sympathy is for one side, the allegedly occupied.
But the same Palestinian and Arab rejectionism that has fueled the violent conflict from the beginning is what has prevented a real peace agreement in these years.
Unfortunately this book is from A to Z informed by an outlook which has no sympathy for the Jews of Judea and Samaria , or in fact for the state of Israel.
Long overdue
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :12
(This review is of the Hebrew edition of the book). This is a very well written and extremely well investigated book looking into one of the great tragedies of modern times. Rather than try and use the territories captured in 1967 to help solve the Palestinian refugee problem created with its establishment in 1948, Israel decided to colonize them in a way that would make it very hard ever to disengage from them. This book looks at the process through which this occurred, as well as the effects subjugating another people for the last 40 years has had on Israeli society.
Essential reading
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :4
Deeply researched and well presented examination of post-1967 Israeli settlement in the West Bank and Gaza--the religious settlers views and government policies--and the effects on Israel as well as Palestinians.
Important Book
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :36
Lords of the Land is unquestionably the definitive account of the settler movement written so far. It sets out in rich detail how successive Israeli governments, including Labour ones supported this disastrous enterprise. It chronicles how Sharon and others on the Israeli right were instrumental in the enterprise. Further then that - it details how intertwined the IDF and government ministries have been with the settlers.
Particularly interesting are the sections regarding the legal mechanisms that have been used over the years for the purpose of settlers aquiring land such as the earlier attempt in the Beth El case to cloke settlements as a "security" consideration to the more sophistacted attempts to turn land in the West Bank into "state land" and ultimately then land for the settlers.
Anyone who cares about peace between Israelis and Palestinian and a two-state solution ought to read this book. Anyone who may naively have thought the settlers were brave Zionist pioneers are likely to be disappointed - if anything, the settlers represent the very opposite - a distortion of Zionism.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
View In Winter With Typical Hills In Foreground And Alon Settlement Beyond, Judean Desert, Israel Art Photographic Poster Print By Eitan Simanor, 24x18
Product Description
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Brand :AllPosters.com
Label :AllPosters.com
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Lowest Price :$39.99USD
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Charlie Rose-Akiva Eldar/Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas And Naomi Chazan;Ramachandra Guha(December 31, 2007)
A conversation with author Akiva Eldar about his book Lords of the Land: The War over Israels Settlements in the Occupied Territories, 1967-2007. A conversation with Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas, Palestinian Delegate, and Naomi Chazan, Israeli Delegate, International Womens Commission. A conversation with author Ramachandra Guha about his book India After Gandhi.
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.coms standard return policy will apply.
Binding :DVD
Label :Charlie Rose, Inc.
Manufacturer :Charlie Rose, Inc.
ProductGroup :DVD
Studio :Charlie Rose, Inc.
Publisher :Charlie Rose, Inc.
UPC :883629461601
EAN :0883629461601
Price :$24.95USD
Lowest Price :$24.95USD